
Top 9 Foods That Helps To Detoxify Liver


If we want to make a healthy difference in our bodies, we need to be in action. However, the thing restricting us can be because of the imbalance of body doshas



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Top 5 Sweet Benefits of Sweet Potato

Today, we're going to talk about a vegetable that's sweet, versatile, and oh-so-delicious - the one and only sweet potato! So, grab a cup of herbal tea, sit back, and get ready for a spud-tacular journey!

Now, you might be thinking, "What'...

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Discover the Health Benefits of Dates

Are you tired of hearing about the latest superfoods and trendy diets that promise to solve all your problems? Well, get ready to be pleasantly surprised because today we're going back to basics with a fruit that has been around for centuries—da...

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Why you should add Fiber Rich foods for Smooth Digestion According to Ayurveda

Why you should add Fiber-Rich foods for Smooth Digestion – According to Ayurveda

We constantly hear about the significance of protein in the health and fitness industry. However, a significant portion of our diet should b...

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International No Diet Day With Ayurveda: Rediscover Your Relationship With Food

Ditch the Fancy Diet and Say Hello to Healthy, Balanced Life With Ayurveda Wisdom

If we are real to ourselves and accept that following a specific diet can be a handful sometimes. Aren't we once in a while get tired from j...

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Transform Your Health with Ayurvedic Wonder Herb – Psyllium

Psyllium fiber, in particular, is most effective in Ayurveda for relieving chronic constipation by increasing stool frequency and reducing straining. Many researc...

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Transform Your Health with These 5 Ayurvedic Vegetables that Lower Bad Cholesterol

Are you tired of hearing about "bad cholesterol" and its negative impact on your health? Well, we've got some good news for you! You can lower your cholesterol levels naturally and deliciously with the help of some amazing vegetables. Yes...

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Discover The Wonderful Health Benefits of Giloy


A well-known Ayurvedic herb known as giloy is used to treat various conditions, including fever, diabetes, problems with the urinary tract, anaemia

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Fall In Love With Your Hair By Using Rice Water

Ayurveda has emphasized the importance of natural remedies for hair care for centuries.

One such remedy is rice water, used by women in Asian countries to nouris...

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Unlock the Secrets of Ayurvedic Skin Care Routine!

Discover the best skin care routineThat Nourishes Your Skin Inside Out!

Hey there, beauty enthusiasts! Did you know that according to Ayurveda, skin care routine is not just about looking good but also ab...

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5 Best Foods for Losing Weight

If you want to cut calories, stock up on these healthy options.

It's hard to lose weight and keep it off. Even the healthiest eaters can struggle due to the constant availability of calorie-dense convenience foods and snea...

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Top 5 Home Remedies To Get Relief From Indigestion Naturally

As 2022 draws to a close, there are many occasions to celebrate, including Christmas, the New Year, December—known for being wedding season—or just a regular get-together.

The yumminess and tasty foods that accompany festivals and holi...

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Benefits of CCF Tea

If you’ve never heard of CCF Tea, permit us to introduce you! It is nothing but a nutritious beverage made out of cumin, coriander, and fennel seeds. CCF is the full form of cumin, coriander, and fennel seeds. You may be friendly with these spic...

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4 Super Foods Helps To Combat Iron-Deficiency


Food is a natural source of nutrients, the nutrients we are discussing here is Iron. Iron-rich food consumed daily can satisfy our intake of Iron. Iron is a crucial mineral that transports oxygen to all body parts. A lack of Iron might ...

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Detox Yourself Post Diwali Naturally With Ayurveda

Looking in the mirror, thinking about what has happened to that perfect Diwali body? Aren't we all   guilty of eating lots of sweets and oily snacks? Don't be ashamed now!


The Post-Diwali detox is here....

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4 Self Care Ideas in Ayurveda For Optimal Health

When it comes to self-care, we compromise with other things in life and forget about ourselves. But who will take care of ourselves if we are not willing to do it?


Self-care is the first thing we neglect in our daily routine. Fo...

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7 Superfoods to Add to Your Daily Diet

When we hear the word "diet." we immediately think about restricting the list of foods and adding some expensive types of salads into our daily diet. Ayurveda's perspective is broader in the sense of diet. It rather focuses on when to eat, how muc...

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Boost Your Immunity With These Foods During Winter

A layer of cold slowly covers the world as winter draws near. The world is enveloped in a cozy snow blanket, and all activity and energies are reduced to a gentle lull. It is time to put aside your energies and save them for next season.


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Ayurvedic Remedies For Dark Circles

Are you tired of concealing your Dark Circles under layers of make-up? 


If the response is a reverberating yes, the Ayurvedic remedy for Dark Circles can act as the hero. Often, we notice the presence of dull under-eye circles....

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These 6 health benefits of Cumin May surprise you!


Cumin is widely used in our foods as a spice.  Normally we always add chillis to spice the food.  But if you add Cumin, coriander, ginger, garlic, the food will become tasty and improve digestion. 

Cumin has many health benef...

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Why Papaya is a Superfood

The papaya is an exceptionally healthy and tasty tropical fruit. It is a jumbo fruit offering incredible health advantages. Known for being a sweet and tropical fruit, papaya is also named the fruit of angels. And if you are thinking why, then let...

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Why Should One Follow a Vegan Diet?

Why Should One Follow a Vegan Diet?

Let's First See What Is a Vegan Diet:

A vegan or plant-based diet eliminates all meat and animal products, ...

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5 popular Herbs used in PCOS


For centuries, people have used the heart (roots) and reddish-red fruit of ashwagandha for remedial purposes. The herb is also recognized as Indian ginseng or wintertime cherry. Ashwagandha is an ancient medic...

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4 excellent Health Benefits of Cardamom

Cardamom has been used traditionally for medicinal purposes and as an essential spice in preparing delicious food items. In addition, Cardamom is said to be beneficial in many health problems like indigestion, gum infections, some cancers, high ch...

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6 Amazing Health Benefits Of Garlic

From ancient days, Garlic is being used in different ways because of its medicinal benefits.  Today, modern science is also come up with excellent benefits through scientific researches.   Daily use of Garlic helps control many lifestyle health...

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4 Super Health Benefits of Ajwain (Carom seeds)

Ajwain is one of the essential herbs for the Indian kitchen to make Indian cuisine tasty. This super spice has many magnificent health benefits.  The seed, oil, flowers, and extract are used as medicine for various diseases.

It is highly ...

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Ginger is known as the “Mahaoushadh” – means the best herb in the world.  There is a saying that Shunti (dry Ginger) melts even the stone.  Symbolically shunti (dry Ginger) has the ability to melt all kinds of toxins in the body.


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6 Health Benefits of Cinnamon In your Daily Life

Cinnamon is proven to be beneficial in many health problems used alone or with other herbs.  Try these quick and safe remedies and experience the benefits at the ease of your home.

  1. Toothache inflammation and puss formation ...

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We have been using Turmeric in the food like a spicing & coloring agent. But this simple Turmeric now is found to be amazingly beneficial for many chronic health problems. Modern research has found that inflammation in the body causes many common ...

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5 proven tips to stay healthy, strong immunity and long lasting health

Staying healthy throughout life is possible when you have strong immunity. Here are 5 proven effective tips which help you remarkably to stay healthy with strong immunity and prevent any kind of diseases
Most of us realize the value of "Good H...

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Pulse Reading In Ayurveda To Diagnose Health Conditions

Pulse Reading is an ancient traditional method used by Ayurveda physicians to diagnose what is happening inside a human body, mind, and emotions. An accurate evaluation of the Pulse can identify the health problems one is suffering and accordingly...

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Throat Irritations & Ear Infections, Chronic coughs

When Mucous remain in the nose and sinus areas and not cleared up completely,  this can lead to a chronic cough, throat irritations, and ear infections. The recurrent occurrence of the following symptoms is a sign of lowered immunity. 


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Coriander or Cilantro is widely known as Dhaniya or dhansak in Sanskrit.  Traditionally, both the seeds and aerial parts of coriander are used in food preparations. Fresh leaves are used as a flavouring agent, and dried coriander seeds are used a...

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Natural ways to treat PCOD

Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) is an ovary malfunction in females where small cysts start growing on the ovaries. These cysts are not hazardous or life-threatening, but yes, they can cause problems if not taken care of. The cysts cause...

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Ayurveda's Approach towards Diarrhoea

'Diarrhoea' as a condition is termed as Atisara in Ayurveda. It basically means passing loose or watery bowel movements due to the diet that's incompatible with your Prakriti, intake of foods that are not well cooked; contaminated water or other beverages etc. It's a very common digestive issue, fairly easy to control within a couple of days.

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Union of Body, Mind & Soul

Yoga is a great approach to strengthen and relax the body while promoting physical health in multiple different ways. However, there's a lot more, that Yoga can do. While many people think that it's a gentler way to exercise...

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Ayurveda's answer to infertility

Infertility typically refers to an issue that's either related to you or your partner or a combination of factors that prevent pregnancy. In India, 10% to 14% of the population is coping with infertility. One in every seven couple faces trouble in conceiving, despite trying for years....

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Natural Approach for Hypertension

High blood pressure (BP) or Hypertension is ranked as the third most significant risk factor for the attributable burden of disease in South Asia. It is directly responsible for 57% of all stroke deaths and 24% of all coronary heart disease (CHD) deaths in India....

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Combat Anxiety & Depression through Ayurveda

We all get emotionally triggered from time to time; the ability to focus and operate during this pandemic-enforced lockdown becomes quite impossible sometimes. Maintaining one's mental health amidst this chaos is just as important as fighting the virus. As we are close towards the end of this second lockdown, there's no considerable scenario where it would be relaxed completely.

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Strengthening Immunity - The Ayurveda Way

Your immune system is your body’s defense mechanism against any infections or diseases. A weak immune system can lead to several immunodeficiency disorders which can disrupt your normal life and may even be fatal, sometimes. Similarly, autoimmune diseases can happen when your overactive immune system is unable to distinguish between healthy tissue ...

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The Natural Way Of Preventing Hairfall

Hair loss, or as it’s commonly known, hair fall can be bothersome, especially when you don’t know what’s causing it. Several factors could cause hair fall including but not limited to, hereditary factors, stress, anxiety, medication, too much heat in the body, slow metabolism and an improper diet.

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How to lose weight after Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a beautiful phase because it gives immense joy and fulfilment to the women, by bringing a new life into the world. Although, postpartum weight retention is a thing, but you can overcome it easily if you follow a proper diet & detoxify your body on regular intervals.....

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How To Beat Travel Sickness

Travel sickness or motion sickness is a sensation that causes fatigue, uneasiness, dizziness and vomiting. It usually occurs when you're travelling by car, bus, train, plane or boat. According to researchers, it happens due to the contradictory behaviour of our body's sensory systems.

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A Natural Remedy to Get Relief from Chronic Pain

Arthritis is the swelling and tenderness of your joints. It can be your knees, shoulders, spine, wrist or even fingers. It includes pain and stiffness in muscles that may worsen at a growing age. The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. People feel pain in their legs and end up suffering gout, which is a form of Arthritis....

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Easiest Way To Detoxify Yourself At Home

We all follow a very busy schedule for our different professions. Everybody struggles to achieve their desired goals. But in this struggling life, we forget to manage & maintain the only thing that matters the most, our 'Health'...

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Easiest Way To Detoxify Yourself At Home

Detoxification is a necessary treatment for our body. The removal of unwanted toxins is a must for healthy living. We become fit & active; our internal organs get even healthier for better functioning. Also, detoxification is good for our immune, digestive & respiratory system...

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Have a Healthy Fasting with my simple Fasting Tips

We always keep ourselves on toes to meet our daily needs. We stay busy to meet the deadlines. But to fulfil our scheduled work, we forgot to take care of our body. Our body needs to relax at least once in every six months. However, thanks to our festivals which brings in up such enthusiasm to do so....

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